
Category Archive: Uncategorised

About Us

CancerDogs is a cancer screening service that uses specially trained dogs to detect the odor of all types of cancer present in a person’s exhaled breath. We developed an inexpensive and non-invasive breath sample kit that collects breath odor with a simple surgical mask that is worn for 10 minutes.[…]

Firefighter Cancer Screening Trials

In 2011, we began our Firefighter Cancer Screening Trials. We are now testing over 100 fire departments in the United States. In January of 2018, we passed a milestone of 30,000 people tested. We want to offer this program to as many firefighters as possible and welcome new participants. We[…]

How You Can Help

If you have been diagnosed with cancer and have not yet begun treatment, please donate a breath sample. One of our biggest challenges has been building a library of confirmed cancer samples. We use these samples to train the dogs and maintain their accuracy throughout the testing process. Over the[…]

Thank You

We cannot stress how grateful we are to all of the Cancer and Non-Cancer patients who have taken time to donate breath samples for our training library.  These samples are essential for training the dogs and maintaining an accurate program.  We couldn’t do it without you. We would like to[…]

Walking Points

Our work with the Chicago Firefighters has been featured in the documentary Walking Points – A documentary about the cure for cancer. Watch the edited version online here: Campaspe News Buy or rent the complete version at the following links:


Specially Trained Dogs Have Been Sniffing Out Cancer In Humans by Roseanne Tellez February 3, 2017 Walking Points – A documentary about the cure for cancer MirrorWater Entertainment A film by Christina and Micheal Rose Watch the edited version online here: Campaspe News Buy or rent the complete version at[…]